NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Rahulkumar Gayatri

Rahul nersc
Rahulkumar Gayatri, Ph.D.
Application Performance Specialist
1 Cyclotron Road, Bldg 59, Room 4023J
Mail Stop 59R4010A
Berkeley, CA 94720


Rahulkumar Gayatri is an HPC Programming Model Architect working in the Programming Environments and Models (PEM) group at NERSC. He is one of the core developers of the Kokkos programming framework. He is also involved with the EXAALT and the HIP-LZ projects. 

Biographical Sketch

Rahul has been at NERSC since 2017. He is the Lawrence Berkeley Lab's representative for the C++ and OpenMP standard committees. 

Currently, from November of 2022, Rahul is part of the Programming Environments and Models (PEM) Group at NERSC. As a member of the PEM group, Rahul is the primary NERSC liaison to the Kokkos group and one the core developers of the framework. Rahul also develops and maintains an LLVM based Programming Environment on NERSC machines. He is also responsible for the availability of open source MPI libraries such as mpich and open-mpi on NERSC machines. Rahul is collaborating with the LLVM developers for OpenMP support on GPUs. Rahul also maintains the NVSHMEM software on Perlmutter.   

Prior to PEM, since December of 2018, he started as a CSE3 engineer in the Application Performance Group (APG) at NERSC.  In his time as a staff member, Rahul worked on the SNAP potential in LAMMPS MD package for next generation architectures. He is one of the core developers of the Kokkos framework and a primary developer for it's OpenMPTarget backend. Rahul worked on the HIP-LZ project wherein he collaborated in a multi-lab DOE effort to map constructs from the HIP programming framework onto Intel GPUs. 

Rahul joined NERSC as a NESAP PostDoc in February of 2017 during which he worked with the SW4 project.

 Rahulkumar Gayatri got his PhD in the area of parallel programming models from Barcelona Supercomputing Center in March 2015 under the supervision of Dr Rosa Maria Badia and Eduard Ayguade. His thesis work was on synchronization of multiple threads on a multi-core processor.

Later he worked in the HPC group at Wipro Infotech where he provided parallel programming solutions to clients. As a part of this group he worked with the MOOSE project, which simulates the behavior of a cell in a human brain. He parallelized the linear solvers that simulate the effect of chemical and electrical stimuli given to a cell.

Research Interests

High Performance Computing, GPU computing, Parallel Programming frameworks.




  • Parallelizing Breadth First Search Using CELL Broadband Engine. HiPC(2008)