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The objective of the DesignForward program was to initiate partnerships between DOE centers and vendors to accelerate the research and development of critical technologies needed for exa-scale computing.

The principal research areas of interest in the DesignForward program were in the general areas of system integration and interconnect technology. Broadly, the program was looking for proposals in the following areas:

  • System Integration,including new node technologies, new programming models, improvements in energy utilization, improvements in resilience and reliability, etc.
  • Interconnect Technology, including better overall design to integrate with communications usage and methods, better integration with processors and memory, new interconnect fabrics and better scalability, etc.

Learn more about this program and see proposals, statements of work and public documents from vendors.

Design Forward Jan. 28 - 30, 2014

A kickoff meeting for the Design Forward initiative will be held at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on January 28-30, 2014. Under the initiative, AMD, Cray, IBM, Intel Federal and NVIDIA will work to advance extreme-scale computing technology on the path to exascale. Laboratory and industry contacts for Design Forward are listed below. Persons interested in collaborating on a specific project should contact the laboratory leads. »Read more about the official Design Forward announcement. Read More »

Design Forward and Fast Forward Semi-Annual Review

A semi-annual meeting for the Design Forward and Fast Forward initiatives will be held at the new Computational Research and Theory (CRT) Building at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on September 21-25, 2015. Under the initiatives, AMD, Cray, IBM, Intel Federal and NVIDIA will work to advance extreme-scale computing technology on the path to exascale. Read More »

Design Forward and Fast Forward Semi-Annual Review

A semi-annual meeting for the Design Forward and Fast Forward initiatives will be held in the 50 Auditorium at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on September 19-22, 2016. Under the initiatives, AMD, Cray, IBM, Intel Federal and NVIDIA will work to advance extreme-scale computing technology on the path to Exascale. Read More »