NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NERSC 40th Anniversary

In 2014, NERSC celebrated 40 years of cutting-edge scientific computing. The articles were produced as part of that celebration. We hope you enjoy reading more about NERSC’s amazing history and accomplishments.

These news stories are from a decade-old archive and are provided as-is. They may refer to people and programs no longer at NERSC or Berkeley Lab and may link to content no longer available.


Big Data = Big Storage Challenges

October 11, 2014

As the amount of scientific data processed and archived at DOE supercomputing facilities reaches epic proportions, NERSC remains at the forefront of data management and storage innovations. Read More »

Harnessing Star Power: NERSC Aids Decades of Fusion Energy Science

September 25, 2014

In 1951, the Atomic Energy Commission—predecessor to the U.S. Department of Energy—initiated a fusion energy research program to investigate the feasibility of using a controlled fusion reaction to generate energy. That program was the beginning of what we now know today as the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, which has supported decades of research designed to produce a safe and sustainable energy resource based on fusion. Read More »

Unraveling the Mysteries of Earth's Environment

August 11, 2014

Environmental scientists and biologists have become some of the most prolific users of NERSC resources—and with good reason. Read More »

Supercomputing Fuels Decades of Energy Discoveries

July 3, 2014

NERSC and the DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences have worked together for 40 years to help the research community gain new insights into renewable energy sources, materials science and related energy technologies and applications. Read More »

NERSC Marks 40th Anniversary with Series of Lectures on Nobel Prize-Winning Science

June 19, 2014

To mark its 40th anniversary, NERSC presented a series of four invited talks featuring NERSC users whose research had led to Nobel prizes. Read More »

Nobel Keynote Lecture Series at Berkeley Lab

June 4, 2014

As part of its 40th Anniversary celebration NERSC is sponsoring a series of lectures describing the research behind four Nobel Prizes from Laureates who are also long-time NERSC users. Read More »

From Solar Energy to Climate Change: How Science Uses Supercomputers

June 2, 2014

In honor of Supercomputing Month and NERSC's 40th anniversary, we look at how research conducted at NERSC is helping the DOE advance energy and environmental research and improve the world around us. Read More »

Computational Cosmology Comes of Age

May 7, 2014

A bevy of research conducted at NERSC over the past 20 years – including two Nobel Prize winning efforts – has changed the way we think about the origins of the Universe. Read More »

NERSC Gateways Pave Way for ‘Team Science’

March 12, 2014

For nearly a decade, computational scientists at NERSC have been working with researchers around the globe to develop online tools that are changing the way they compute and collaborate. Read More »

NCSA's Bill Kramer Assesses NERSC's HPC Legacy

February 8, 2014

At the Feb. 4-5 NERSC User Group meeting marking the center’s 40th anniversary, invited speaker Bill Kramer used the occasion to assess NERSC’s legacy to the high performance computing (HPC) community. Kramer, who is the director and principle investigator of the Blue Waters Project at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois, was one of the first NERSC employees hired by LBNL when the center moved to Berkeley Lab. He spent 12 years as NERSC’s general manager. Read More »

NERSC@40: How It All Began

January 30, 2014

In 1974, an almost-obsolete supercomputer once used for defense research was made available to support the fusion energy research community, the first time such a powerful computing resource was used for unclassified scientific computing. Read More »

NERSC Celebrates 40 Years at the Forefront

January 29, 2014

This year, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is celebrating yet another milestone: its 40th anniversary. Read More »

NERSC Kicks Off 40th Anniversary with 2014 Supercomputing Calendar

January 15, 2014

NERSC is kicking off a year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary with a free, downloadable 2014 calendar that takes a unique look back at the center's supercomputing history. Read More »

NERSC@40 User Group Meeting Feb 3-6

January 15, 2014

This year's NERSC User Group meeting is the first event of NERSC's 40th anniversary celebrations. It features a two-day "Celebration of Science and Technology", new user training, and a business meeting. Read More »