NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

In Their Own Words

First hand accounts on the founding and history of NERSC.

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Kirby Fong Recalls the Early Years at NERSC

April 14, 2014

Kirby Fong joined NERSC in 1976, when it was still known as the Controlled Thermonuclear Research Computer Center. Here he shares some memories from those early years. Read More »

Horst Simon: Navigating the Road to Exascale

March 3, 2014

The deputy director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory talks about the challenges -- and rewards -- of efforts to achieve the first exascale computing systems by 2020. Read More »

Al Trivelpiece on the Origins of NERSC

January 30, 2014

The former Oak Ridge National Laboratory director describes his role in the creation of the Controlled Thermonuclear Research Computer Center, one of NERSC's precursors. Read More »

James Decker: Broadening NERSC's Mission

October 1, 1999

By James Decker, Deputy Director, Department of Energy, Office of Science The NMFECC — NERSC’s predecessor — was the creation of Al Trivelpiece when he was the Director of Research for the Office of Fusion Energy, and of his Deputy, Bennet Miller. Several years later, when I directed that same office, since renamed the Division of Applied Plasma Physics, I assumed responsibility for managing Al and Bennet’s creation. When Al returned to the Department of Energy as Director of Energy… Read More »

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