NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Application Performance

The Application Performance Group's mission is to increase the scientific productivity of NERSC users through technical support, education, advocacy, and the development and deployment of new computational and data technologies.This group is responsible for problem management and consulting; helping science teams with code optimization and debugging; strategic project support; web documentation and training; and third-party applications and library support.

The Application Performance Group is the user community's primary point of contact with NERSC, residing at the interface between high performance computing and storage systems and the 7,000 application scientists whose research depends on using those systems effectively and productively. APG staff serve as advocates for the user community, ensuring that new systems and services are well matched to the needs of scientists using NERSC.

Muaaz Gul Awan, Ph.D.

Application Performance Specialist

Amanda Sabatini Dufek, Ph.D.

Application Performance Engineer

Dhruva Kulkarni Ph.D.

Research Software Engineer (CSE)

Paul Lin

Application Performance Specialist

Neil Mehta, Ph.D.

Application Performance Engineer