NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Building Infrastructure

The Building Infrastructure Group, BIG, manages optimizations, activities, and projects for the facility and data center operations. The Operations & Maintenance Team manages facility maintenance and repairs at Shyh Wang Hall. The Energy Management Team maintains and continuously improves the world-class power and water usage efficiencies and works with Sustainable Berkeley Lab as the significant power and water user in the Lab’s ISO 50001 program. The Systems Project & Integration Team manages and coordinates the physical aspects of data center equipment installations, moves, and retirements. The Building Infrastructure Project Team manages upgrades and renovations to the facility to support current and future computing system deployments.

Norman Bourassa

Acting Group Lead, Energy Performance Engineer
(510) 486-502-5964 |

Jeff Grounds

Facilities Manager
(510) 486-7197 |

Ernest Jew

Assistant Facilities Manager

Eric Lucas

Electronics Fabricator/ Installer
(510) 486-7197 |

Nicolas Ventura

Critical Facilities Engineer Associate