Sunita Rajagopal

Sunita brings 15 years experience as a Unix engineer supporting cloud infrastructure deployments in SAAS, PAAS, and IAAS environments at various levels of complexity for various startups, of which some have gone through IPOs and others have been acquired successfully. Some startups where her major contributions were are ClosedLoops Solutions (acquired by Lawson Software) and Saba Software; some IPOs are Blue Martini Software and Responsys.
After the last decade at Oracle, Sunita felt the necessity to contribute and give back to the science community and joined Berkeley Lab in 2023 as a DevOps / Systems Engineer to support the technical operations of the NERSC facility.
Besides work, she has been a active participant at GHC and Women in Engineering Events the past few years, since she has a passion to interact with the aspiring upcoming women engineering community and support them in their journey/career in the technical field.