NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Francis Dequenne

Francis Dequenne
Storage Systems Group
Fax: (510) 486-6459
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
1 Cyclotron Road
M/S 59R4010A
Berkeley, CA 94720

Francis Dequenne joined the Storage System Group in January 2021, bringing with him many years of experience as an HPSS administrator, acquired at ECMWF, the largest HPSS site in the world.. 

Francis is helping the team modernise its HPSS infrastructure, taking the lead in several hardware deployments, and introducing methods to render the HPSS services more resilient. He is also considering the deployment of new type of interfaces to HPSS, which may be of interest to the users in the future.

Over the years, he has been collaborating with the HPSS developers, introducing several ideas that were incorporate in the design of the HPSS product.