Kristy Kallback-Rose

Biographical Sketch
Kristy Kallback-Rose joined the NERSC Storage Systems Group in early 2017 as senior storage analyst and now leads the group. Kristy's recent work has been operationally focused on filesystems and archival storage, including GPFS and HPSS. Prior to that she worked in a variety of roles including grid computing in support of the ATLAS project, databases, development and instruction. Kristy has undergraduate degrees in Japanese and Physics and a masters in Physics and is pleased to be working at NERSC in support of scientific research.
Conference Papers
K Kallback-Rose, D Antolovic, R Ping, K Seiffert, C Stewart, T Miller, "Conducting K-12 Outreach to Evoke Early Interest in IT, Science, and Advanced Technology", ACM, July 16, 2012,
Nicholas Balthaser, Francis Dequenne, Melinda Jacobsen, Owen James, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Kirill Lozinskiy, NERSC HPSS Site Update, 2021 HPSS User Forum, October 20, 2021,
- Download File: NERSC-Site-HUF-2021.pdf (pdf: 10 MB)
Nicholas Balthaser, Wayne Hurlbert, Melinda Jacobsen, Owen James, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Kirill Lozinskiy, NERSC HPSS Site Update, 2020 HPSS User Forum, October 9, 2020,
Report on recent projects and challenges running HPSS at NERSC, including recent AQI issues and upcoming HPSS upgrade.
Greg Butler, Ravi Cheema, Damian Hazen, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Rei Lee, Glenn Lockwood, NERSC Community File System, March 4, 2020,
Nicholas Balthaser, Damian Hazen, Wayne Hurlbert, Owen James, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Kirill Lozinskiy, Moving the NERSC Archive to a Green Data Center, Storage Technology Showcase 2020, March 3, 2020,
- Download File: archive-move-NERSC-2020-02-05.pptx (pptx: 22 MB)
Description of methods used and challenges involved in moving the NERSC tape archive to a new data center with environmental cooling.
Glenn K. Lockwood, Kirill Lozinskiy, Kristy Kallback-Rose, NERSC's Perlmutter System: Deploying 30 PB of all-NVMe Lustre at scale, Lustre BoF at SC19, November 19, 2019,
- Download File: 2019-11-Lustre-BOF-talk-KKR-no-notes.pptx (pptx: 3 MB)
Update at SC19 Lustre BoF on collaborative work with Cray on deploying an all-flash Lustre tier for NERSC's Perlmutter Shasta system.
Nicholas Balthaser, Kirill Lozinskiy, Melinda Jacobsen, Kristy Kallback-Rose, NERSC Migration from Oracle tape libraries GPFS-HPSS-Integration Proof of Concept, October 16, 2019,
- Download File: NERSC-HUF-Update-Oct-2019.pdf (pdf: 61 MB)
NERSC updates on Storage 2020 Strategy & Progress, GHI Testing, Tape Library Update, Futures
Ravi Cheema, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Storage 2020 Strategy & Progress - NERSC Site Update at HPCXXL User Group Meeting, September 24, 2019,
NERSC site update including Systems Overview, Storage 2020 Strategy & Progress, GPFS-HPSS-Integration Testing, Tape Library Update and Futures.
Kirill Lozinskiy, Lisa Gerhardt, Annette Greiner, Ravi Cheema, Damian Hazen, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Rei Lee, User-Friendly Data Management for Scientific Computing Users, Cray User Group (CUG) 2019, May 9, 2019,
Wrangling data at a scientific computing center can be a major challenge for users, particularly when quotas may impact their ability to utilize resources. In such an environment, a task as simple as listing space usage for one's files can take hours. The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) has roughly 50 PBs of shared storage utilizing more than 4.6B inodes, and a 146 PB high-performance tape archive, all accessible from two supercomputers. As data volumes increase exponentially, managing data is becoming a larger burden on scientists. To ease the pain, we have designed and built a “Data Dashboard”. Here, in a web-enabled visual application, our 7,000 users can easily review their usage against quotas, discover patterns, and identify candidate files for archiving or deletion. We describe this system, the framework supporting it, and the challenges for such a framework moving into the exascale age.
Kristy Kallback-Rose, Storage 2020 Strategy & Progress and Superfacility Initiative - NERSC Site Update at HPCXXL User Group at CSCS, April 4, 2019,
- Download File: NERSC-Site-Update-April-2019-FINAL-at-Lugano.pptx (pptx: 32 MB)
Kristy Kallback-Rose, Tape Library and Media Evaluation and Planning - NERSC Site Update at the Linear Tape User Group, May 2, 2018,
- Download File: LTUG-2018-NERSC-Site-Update-compressed.pptx (pptx: 12 MB)
NERSC site update focusing on plans to implement new tape technology at the Berkeley Data Center.
Kristy Kallback-Rose, NERSC Site Report at HPC Advisory Council and HPCXXL User Group, April 12, 2018,
- Download File: HPCXXL-2018-NERSC-Site-Update-compressed.pptx (pptx: 13 MB)
NERSC Site Report focusing on plans for migration of tape-based system to new location and new technology, and collection of metrics for GPFS.