Leo Saavedra

Senior Storage Systems Analyst
Storage Systems Group
Phone: +1 510 542 4898
Fax: +1 510 486 6459
1 Cyclotron Road
Biographical Sketch
Leonardo Saavedra (a.k.a Leo), I am a Senior HPC Storage Systems Analyst at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Berkeley Lab (LBNL), where I work as a member of the Storage Systems Group. My interests include parallel file systems, mass storage and Linux system administration. My career in HPC began at NRAO as system engineer maintaining and deploying new Lustre file systems for the observatory. I've been working with Lustre since 2017 with work including Lustre administration, file system performance tuning, and improving user performance for high-performance computing applications.
I am graduate degree as Computer Engineer from Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile.