NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Dhruva Kulkarni

Dhruva Kulkarni Ph.D.
Research Software Engineer (CSE)
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720 us

Biographical Sketch

Dhruva Kulkarni is a researcher in NERSC’s Application Performance Group. Dhruva's research interests include high performance computing, experimental and applied physics, and software development. 

Before joining NERSC, Kulkarni developed experiment-driven control software for the optimization of FAIMS and mass spectrometers at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Kulkarni developed and optimized custom molecular dynamics programs for Verseon Corporation and led the design and development of a blockchain-enabled security trading framework. At Nevis Networks, Kulkarni developed a high-speed stateful traffic generator utilizing a proprietary multi-core hyper-threaded network processor capable of deep packet and protocol inspection at wire speed.

Kulkarni was awarded a Ph.D. in Physics from Clemson University in May 2017 (advisor: Prof. Chad Sosolik) for researching the transport and energy deposition characteristics of highly charged ions at the Clemon University Electron Electron Beam Ion Trap (CUEBIT) Lab as part of DARPA’s Local Control of Materials Synthesis (LoCo) program. Kulkarni also holds a master’s degree in Physics from Clemson University and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from PICT, Pune University.

In his spare time, Kulkarni enjoys science outreach projects, various volunteering activities, and playing billiards.