The NERSC Science Acceleration Program (NESAP) is a collaborative effort in which NERSC partners with code teams, vendors, and library and tools developers to prepare for advanced architectures and new systems. NESAP began in late 2014 to help users prepare for the Cori manycore Knights Landing/Xeon Phi architecture and continued into the 2020s, targeting Perlmutter, NERSC's first production GPU-based system. Now NESAP is starting to focus on workflows in a variety of areas, including the next generation of NERSC systems and DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program,
NESAP Pathfinding Projects
NESAP pathfinding projects are one-year projects intended to prepare for and better use advanced workflow capabilities such as hardware acceleration, reconfigurable storage, advanced scheduling, and integration with edge services, as well as alignment with DOE’s IRI program.
NESAP NERSC-10 Partnership
Applications for NESAP NERSC-10 partnership will open between late 2024 and early 2025.
NESAP Postdoctoral Fellowship
NERSC must fill postdoctoral and named fellowship positions supporting NESAP for Workflows. We will be making a number of NESAP Postdoctoral Fellowship hires, and there is a position open for the Distinguished Admiral Grace Hopper Fellowship as well. We encourage applications from NERSC users.