NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

1999 User Survey Results

User Information

Number of responses: 177

What NERSC resources do you use?

PVP Cluster115 (65%)
Web Site106 (60%)
Cray T3E104 (59%)
Consulting Services93 (53%)
HPSS81 (46%)
Account Support57 (32%)
Operations Support23 (13%)
Math Server8 (4%)
Visualization Server7 (4%)
  PDSF (2)
  Visualization lab
  Teleconference seminars

How long have you used NERSC?

More than 3 years: 81 (48%), 6 months to 3 years: 68 (40%), less than 6 months: 21 (12%)


What desktop systems do you use to connect to NERSC?

(Percentages may sum to greater than 100% since each user could choose multiple platforms.)

UNIX147 (85%)
PC66 (38%)
MAC46 (27%)
XTerminal2 (1%)
VAX/VMS1 (1%)
Linux65 (38%)
Sun Solaris65 (38%)
Apple MacIntosh46 (27%)
SGI IRIX39 (22%)
Windows 9831 (18%)
Windows 9529 (17%)
IBM AIX25 (14%)
DEC OSF22 (13%)
HP HPUX21 (12%)
Windows NT20 (12%)
Windows 3.02 (1%)
DOS2 (1%)
OS/21 (1%)


How often do you connect to NERSC from:

Office 144 32 0
Home 37 74 43
Elsewhere 2 50 58


Connection type:

LocationEthernetCable ModemDSLISDNModem
Office 158 1 0 2 1
Home 11 28 2 7 65
Elsewhere 31 1 1 0 11