NERSC HPC Requirements Reviews: Target 2017
NERSC and the Office of Advanced Computational Research held six program requirements reviews with each DOE Office of Science program office from 2012 to 2014 to determine what scientists and their teams need in order to meet DOE mission requirements in 2017. The output of these reviews are six reports outlining requirements for each office, supported by eight-12 individual science case studies.
Summary of High-Level Findings
Below we summarize the aggregate findings for the six program offices: Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Biological and Environmental Research (BER). High Energy Physics (HEP), Nuclear Physics (NP), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), and Advanced Computational Science and Research (ASCR).
Compute and Data Needs for 2017
Scientists and their teams of researchers need the following to meet DOE Office of Science mission goals in 2017.
- 86 billion hours of compute time, 26 times total usage at NERSC in 2014.
- 635 petabytes for archival storage, 12 times 2014 usage.
- 97 PB of shared disk space for project collaborations.
Common Priority Needs Across All Offices
- Continued exponential increase in computing hours and data storage.
- Help porting and developing code for next-generation many-core systems.
- Supported standard software applications, libraries, and tools that work effectively and efficiently.
- Support for running jobs at all scales, including full-system runs and high-throughput computing.
- Highly performance, available, stable systems.
- Support for extreme data analysis.

Published Reports
ASCR2017Final.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF file