Workshop Logistics
Large Scale Computing and Storage Requirements for Fusion Energy Sciences
An FES / ASCR / NERSC Workshop
August 3-4, 2010
This workshop is being organized by the Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) to elucidate computing requirements for fusion energy sciences research at NERSC. These requirements will serve as input to the NERSC planning processes for systems and support, and will help ensure that NERSC continues to provide world-class support for scientific discovery to DOE scientists and their collaborators.
The tangible outcome of the workshop will be a report that includes computing, storage, data, analysis, and support requirements along with a supporting, science-based narrative.
Location and Schedule
The day-and-a-half workshop will be held all day Tuesday, August 3 and on the morning of Wednesday, August 4, 2010.
Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Executive Meeting Center
1750 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
The workshop is by invitation only. There is no registration fee; however, attendees MUST respond to the e-mail invitation.
Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Ctr. See the Logistics page for more information.
Meeting Format
The first part of the first morning will consist of overview talks by FES and NERSC personnel. The majority of the meeting will consist of case study talks by invited FES researchers.
This workshop will generate a requirements document composed of case studies prepared using input from the workshop attendees.
If you are a workshop attendee you should review the preliminary case study documents and other materials on the Reference Materials page. Please then use these background materials in combination with your own knowledge and experience to generate a narrative describing your scientific research program. Examples of science narratives with their accompanying requirements matrices can be found in the Case Study Requirements Update document. Please bring your case study (narrative and corresponding data table) with you to the workshop.
At the workshop we will review the documents and speak among the attendees to ensure that we understand the science being done insofar as it has an impact on future facilities and services. We will ask participants to give a short presentation summarizing their work and computing needs.
Note that in this and other documents we may use the term "computing requirements" to mean the full complement of computational science needs, including compute cycles, storage, data services, analysis, support services, visualization, and communications.