NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NUG Executive Committee (NUGEX)

NUGEX is the voice of the user community to NERSC and DOE. While all NUG events are open to all NERSC users, NUGEX members regularly participate in the monthly teleconferences and the annual face-to-face meeting. NUGEX is consulted on many NERSC policy issues, such as batch configurations, disk quotas, services, and training offerings. NUGEX members also help evaluate nominations for the NERSC Early Career Achievement Awards and submissions to the NERSC High Impact Science at Scale program. NUGEX members serve three-year terms.

Current Members

Name Institution DOE Office Term Expires PI's Project Title
Sarat Sreepathi Oak Ridge National Lab ASCR Dec 2026 Energy Exascale Earth System Modeling (E3SM)
Andreas Adelmann Paul Scherrer Institut Dec 2025 ATG: CoDesign for Exascale
David Trebotich Berkeley Lab Dec 2025 Advanced Simulation of Pore Scale Flow and Transport Processes in Nanoporous Materials
Kursat Kara Oklahoma State University Dec 2025 High Performance Data Visualization, Analytics
Jean Luca Bez Berkeley Lab Dec 2025 Proactive Data Containers for Exascale Storage Systems
Koichi Sakaguchi PNNL BER Dec 2026 Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling (WACCEM)
Claire Saunders California Institute of Technology





Dec 2024

Computation of Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in Materials

Nannan Shan Argonne National Laboratory Dec 2024  
Alexander Rakowski Berkeley Lab Dec 2024 National Center for Electron Microscopy Hub
Emily Belli (Chair) General Atomics FES Dec 2026 Plasma Edge Simulation Laboratory
John Wright MIT Dec 2026 Analysis for the SPARC magnetic fusion experiment
Dirk Hufnagel Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory HEP Dec 2024 Particle Physics with CMS at the LHC
Krish Desai UC Berkeley Dec 2024 Machine Learning for Classification, Regression, Generation, and Anomaly Detection in Jet Physics
Ted Kisner Berkeley Lab Dec 2025 DESI, CMB
Saba Sehrish Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory NP Dec 2025 LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration
Alexei Bazavov Michigan State University Dec 2024 QCD Thermodynamics at High Temperature
Pieter Maris

Iowa State University

Dec 2024 Structure and Reactions of Hadrons and Nuclei