Location: Berkeley Lab and NERSC OSF (All events are available for remote access over the web).
Dates: Feb. 23-26, 2015
Monday, Feb. 23 - New User and Data Analytics Training
NERSC (Berkeley Lab Building 943), 415 20th Street, Oakland, CA
Tuesday, Feb. 24 - Science and Technology Day
Berkeley Lab Building 50 Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb. 25 - Advanced HPC Training: Kernel Tuning Hack-a-thon
Learn to how to tune a kernel using your own (up to ~ a few 100s of lines) or one of our templates. NERSC staff will be on hand to help you examine and improve the performance of your code with an eye towards optimizing it for the future Cori system.
NERSC (Berkeley Lab Building 943), 415 20th Street, Oakland, CA
Thursday, Feb. 26 - NUGEX Business Day
NERSC (Berkeley Lab Building 943), 415 20th Street, Oakland, CA