NUG Business Meeting
February 26, 2015
Location: Berkeley Lab and NERSC OSF (All events are available for remote access over the web).
Dates: Feb. 23-26, 2015
Thursday, Feb. 26 - NUGEX Business Day
NERSC (Berkeley Lab Building 943), 415 20th Street, Oakland, CA
Business Meeting (Agenda subject to change by requests from NUG members)
Time | Title | Speaker |
8:15 | Registration | |
8:45 | Welcome | |
9:00 | Announcement of new NUG Chair and Co-Chair | |
9:05 | Update from DOE | Dave Goodwin, NERSC DOE Program Manager |
9:15 | NERSC update and discussions with the NERSC director | Sudip Dosanjh, NERSC Director |
9:45 | NERSC Storage Systems Update | Jason Hick, NERSC Data Systems Group Lead |
10:30 | Break | |
10:45 | NERSC Computational Systems Update | Jay Srinivasan, NERSC Systems Group Lead |
11:15 | NERSC Services Update | Katie Antypas, NERSC Services Department Group Lead |
11:45 | NERSC Data Efforts Update | Prabhat, NERSC Data & Analytics Services Group Lead |
12:15 | Working Lunch | |
1:30 | 2014 NERSC User Survey Results | Richard Gerber, NERSC User Services Group Lead |
2:00 | NERSC's Exascale Application Readiness Program | Harvey Wasserman, NERSC NESCAP Program |
2:30 | NERSC Requirements Reviews | Richard Gerber, NERSC Senior Science Advisor |
3:00 | Break - Machine Room Tour | |
3:30 | MyNERSC demo and feedback | Jack Deslippe, NERSC (MyNERSC developer) |
3:30 | Open Discussions | TBA |
5:00 | Adjourn |
NUG2015-Storage.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF fileNERSC Storage Update, Jason Hick, Storage Systems Group Lead
CSG-NUG2015.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF fileComputational Systems Update, Jay Srinivasan, Computational Systems Group Lead
Gerber-Survey.pdf | Adobe Acrobat PDF filePreliminary 2014 User Survey Results, Richard Gerber, User Services Group Lead