NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NUG Community Call Feb 20, 2025

February 20, 2025

NUG Community Call: GPU Power Capping and Quantum Computing Access @ NERSC (QCAN)

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Time: 11 a.m. PDT

The Monthly NUG Community Call is a regular opportunity for our users to show off what they’ve done, for NERSC to get feedback, and for users to exchange ideas.

In this NUG Community Call, we will get an understanding of GPU Power Capping on Perlmutter at NERSC and Quantum Computing Access @ NERSC (QCAN).


GPU Power Capping on Perlmutter @ NERSC

Power is a crucial constraint in supercomputing, especially as systems scale to exascale levels. To continue to advance in scientific computing, supercomputers must operate efficiently within strict power limits. Application-aware power management offers an effective solution to this challenge with a slight performance degradation. In this talk, we will introduce the newly enabled GPU power capping features on Perlmutter, sharing experimental results from several top applications at NERSC. We encourage users to explore these options on Perlmutter using their own workloads.

Quantum Computing Access @ NERSC (QCAN)

Quantum hardware will likely be an important part of future NERSC systems. In preparation for this, NERSC has recently started offering access to a number of quantum hardware technologies, including neutral atoms and superconducting qubits through partnerships with QuEra Computing and IBM Quantum. In this talk we will give an overview of how these technologies work, what running applications looks like, and discuss how to gain access to these systems.

We'll also use the NERSC Users Slack #webinars channel for discussion before, during, and after the meeting

 Add this meeting series to your Google calendar.

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Recording: TBA 

Presentation Materials: TBA