NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NUG Meeting Mar 17, 2022 - Remote development in NERSC Shifter containers with Visual Studio Code

March 17, 2022
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022
Time: 11:00 PST


The Monthly NUG Meeting is a regular opportunity for our users to show off what they've done, for NERSC to get feedback from users, and for users to exchange ideas.

Zoom: (full connection details below). We'll also use the NERSC Users Slack #webinars channel for discussion before, during and after the meeting.

Update: recording is now available at and slides are attached below

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  • Win-of-the-month: open discussion for attendees to tell of some success you've had - eg getting a paper accepted, solving a problem, or achieving something innovative or high impact using NERSC
  • Today-I-learned: open discussion for attendees to point out something that surprised them, or that might be valuable to other users to know
  • Announcements and CFPs:  upcoming conferences, workshops, or other events, that you think might interest or benefit the NERSC user community
  • Topic-of-the-day: Remote development in NERSC Shifter containers with Visual Studio Code Oliver Schulz from Max Planck Institute for Physics will demonstrate how to use Shifter containers at NERSC in combination with Visual Studio code running on your local system/laptop to implement an efficient and fully transparent remote development workflow, with all the tools and functionality that developers now expect from a modern IDE
  • Coming up: Nominations and requests for future topics. We're especially interested to hear from our users - what are you using NERSC for, and what are you learning that might be helpful for other NERSC users, and for NERSC?
  • Last month's numbers: NERSC center metrics and info for the most recent month

Presentation Materials
