NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Accounts & Allocations

User Accounts (Logins)

This section explains how to get and manage a NERSC user account. It also covers passwords, account policies and security, and explains how usage is charged. Read More »

Allocations of Computer Time and Storage

This section is for principal investigators and project managers who apply for NERSC allocations and manage their project users. It explains how to submit a NERSC allocation request and how to use NIM for account management tasks such as changing user quotas. Read More »

Awarded projects

This section lists the awards made to projects on a yearly basis. Read More »

ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) Projects at NERSC

The ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) awards computing resources at NERSC to high-risk, high-reward science projects. Read More »

Allocation Year Transition 2024 to 2025

Information about the transition to NERSC allocation year (AY) 2025. Read More »