NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Previous Years' Awards

2021 NERSC Awards

Projects awarded for Allocation Year 2021 Read More »

2020 Allocation Awards

2020 Allocation Awards List Read More »

2019 Allocation Awards

NERSC DOE Office of Science Mission Science Allocation Awards for 2019. Read More »

2018 Allocation awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2018 allocation year (Jan 9, 2018 through Jan 7, 2019). Read More »

2017 Allocation Awards

Allocation awards for NERSC for the 2017 allocation year (Jan 10, 2017 through Jan 8, 2018). Read More »

2016 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2016 allocation year (Jan 12, 2016 through Jan 09, 2017). Read More »

2015 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2015 allocation year (Jan 13, 2015 through Jan 11, 2016). Read More »

2014 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2014 allocation year (Jan 14, 2014 through Jan 12, 2015). Read More »

2013 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2013 allocation year (Jan 8, 2013 through Jan 13, 2014). Read More »

Data Intensive Computing Pilot Program 2012/2013 Awards

NERSC's new data-intensive science pilot program is aimed at helping scientists capture, analyze and store the increasing stream of scientific data coming out of experiments, simulations and instruments. Read More »

2012 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2012 allocation year (Jan 10, 2012 through Jan 7, 2013). Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2012 Awards

NISE is a mechanism used for allocating the NERSC reserve (10% of the total allocation). It is a competitive allocation administered by NERSC staff and management. Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2011 Awards

NISE is a mechanism used for allocating the NERSC reserve (10% of the total allocation). It is a competitive allocation administered by NERSC staff and management. Awarded projects for 2011 as of March are listed. Read More »

2011 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2011 allocation year (Jan 11, 2011 through Jan 9, 2012). Read More »

2010 Initial Allocation Awards

This page lists the initial allocation awards for NERSC for the 2010 allocation year (Jan 12, 2010 through Jan 10, 2011). Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2010 Awards

In 2010 the NISE program awarded 27 projects a total of 35 million hours. Read More »

2009 Awards

This page lists the initial allocation awards for NERSC for the 2009 allocation year (Jan 13, 2009 through Jan 11, 2010). Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2009 Awards

In 2009 the NISE program awarded 17 projects a total of 9.6 million hours. Read More »

2008 Initial Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2008 allocation year (Jan 8, 2008 through Jan 12, 2009). Read More »

2007 Initial Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2007 allocation year (Jan 9, 2007 through Jan 7, 2008). Read More »