Acknowledge NERSC
Please acknowledge in your publications the role NERSC facilities played in your research. Also, please alert our communications staff when a paper is accepted or close to publication. They may feature your work in a science story and on the NERSC home page.
A sample acknowledgment follows:
- This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility using NERSC award <OOO>-ERCAP<XXXXX>.
Where <OOO> is one of
- The Office of Science program office that made the award (one of ASCR, BER, BES, FES, HEP, NP),
- ALCC for ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge Awards, or
- DDR for awards made through the NERSC Director’s Discretionary program, which includes education and exploratory projects as well as all special programs such as the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) or QIS@Perlmutter.
In the above example, <XXXX> is the ERCAP request number for your award. If you do not know the ERCAP request ID number, you can look it up (login required), or you can use the project identifier and year (e.g. m306 for 2020).
You may use a variation on this theme, calling out specific simulations or portions of the research that used NERSC resources or even citing the system used. However, the crucial elements are
- The spelled-out center name (you can use the acronym if needed): National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), and
- U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility.
If possible and appropriate, please also include
- NERSC's Research Organization Registry (ROR) ID:,
- NERSC's DOI from the Crossref Funder Registry: 10.13039/100017223, and/or
- Global Research Identifier Database ID: grid.484489.d.
We appreciate your conscientiousness in this matter. Acknowledgment and prepublication notification help the center communicate the importance of its role in science to its funding agency and help assure the continued availability of this valuable resource.