NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Crash Course in Supercomputing, June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

This hybrid training, as part of the 2024 Berkeley Lab Computational Sciences Summer Student Program, is also open to NERSC, OLCF, and ALCF users. This training is geared towards novice parallel programmers. 


In this course, students will learn to write parallel programs that can be run on a supercomputer. We begin by discussing the concepts of parallelization before introducing MPI and OpenMP, the two leading parallel programming libraries. Finally, the students will put together all the concepts from the class by programming, compiling, and running a parallel code on one of the NERSC supercomputers. Training accounts will be provided for students who have not yet set up a NERSC account.

Crash Course Agenda

Morning Session

Time (PDT/UTC-7) Topic Presenters
09:00 - 9:30 am Welcome and Introduction to Parallel Programming Concepts

Rebecca Hartman-Baker, PhD (NERSC)

Charles Lively, PhD (NERSC)

Yun He, PhD (NERSC)

09:30 - 09:45 am Understanding Supercomputer Architecture Charles Lively, PhD (NERSC)
09:45 - 10:15 am Basic Parallelism & MPI Rebecca Hartman-Baker, PhD (NERSC)
10:15 - 10:30 am


10:40 - 11:15 am MPI Collectives Charles Lively, PhD (NERSC)
11:15 - 12:00 pm

Q&A and Interactive Exercises Practice

Rebecca Hartman-Baker, PhD (NERSC)

Charles Lively, PhD (NERSC)

Helen He, PhD (NERSC)

12:00 - 01:00 pm



Afternoon Agenda

Time (PDT/UTC-7) Topic Presenters
01:00 - 02:00 pm Introduction to OpenMP Helen He, PhD (NERSC)
02:00 - 02:45 pm OpenMP + Hybrid Introduction Rebecca Hartman-Baker, PhD (NERSC)
02:45 - 03:00 pm


03:00 - 04:00 pm 

Interactive Exercises/Hands-On Practice- Github Repo:

Rebecca Hartman-Baker, PhD (NERSC)

Charles Lively, PhD (NERSC)

Helen He, PhD (NERSC)



Program Materials

Morning Session Slides

Afternoon Session Slides

Github Repo: June 2024 Supercomputing Crash Course Interactive Exercises

Final Q&A Doc with Responses

Video recording as a Playlist on YouTube