NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

NERSC N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp, April 5-6, 2023

April 5, 2023

NERSC, in collaboration with the OpenACC Organization and NVIDIA, is hosting an N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp for two days on Wed-Thur, April 5-6, 2023. Beginner users in GPU programming are especially encouraged to attend.

During this two-day online Bootcamp, participants will learn about multiple GPU programming models and can choose the one that best fits their needs to run their scientific codes on GPUs. This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to GPU programming using OpenACC, OpenMP, stdpar and CUDA C, and provides hands-on opportunities to learn how to analyze GPU-enabled applications using NVIDIA® Nsight™ Systems. This Bootcamp is a hands-on learning experience where you will be guided through step-by-step instructions and participate in a code challenge to work in teams for the best performance in porting mini-applications. Teaching assistants are on hand to help throughout.

We will be utilizing the NVIDIA Curiosity Cluster for this Bootcamp. This event has limited capacity, so please sign up early and note that active NERSC/ALCF/OLCF users will be prioritized during the registration process.


Basic experience with C/C++ or Fortran. No GPU Programming or AI knowledge is required. This event has limited capacity, so please make sure that prerequisites are met before applying.

Bootcamp Event Format

Participants are introduced to available libraries, programming models, and platforms through a mix of lectures, labs, and extensive hands-on collaboration based on real-life codes, data, and use cases. To keep the events both productive and fun, bootcamps include a competition component where teams work on mini-applications to show the best acceleration techniques.


All times are in Pacific Time (PT), Subject to change

Day 0: Tuesday, April 4, 2023: 01:00 p.m. - 02:00 a.m. Mandatory Cluster Dry Run

Day 1: Wednesday, April 5, 2023: 09:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

  • 09:00 a.m. - 09:15 a.m.: Welcome (Moderator)
  • 09:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Introduction to GPU Computing and Profiling (Lecture)
  • 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.: Accelerating Standard C++ and Fortran with GPUs (Lecture and Lab)
  • 10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.: Break
  • 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Directive Based Programming with OpenMP and OpenACC on GPU (Lecture)
  • 12:30 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.: Lunch
  • 01:30 p.m. - 03:00 p.m.: Directive Based Programming with OpenMP and OpenACC on GPU (Lab)
  • 03:00 p.m. - 03:15 p.m.: Break
  • 03:15 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.: CUDA C/Fortran Programming (Lecture + Lab)

Day 2: Thursday, April 6, 2023: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

  • 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Teaching assistants are assigned to help with the code challenge
  • 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Wrap up and Q&A

Application to Attend

Detailed information can be found on NVIDIA's Bootcamp Events page. The application deadline is March 22, 2023. This event has limited capacity, and active NERSC, ALCF, and OLCF users will be prioritized during the registration process. Please note acceptance is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email.

Presentation Materials

Slides and video recordings from NVidia are password-protected and available here.

