NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Forge Training for Debugging and Profiling, March 13, 2024

March 13, 2024

NERSC is hosting a virtual training event 'Forge Training for Debugging and Profiling' on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.  

Linaro Forge (previously known as Arm Forge or Allinea Forge) combines DDT for parallel high-performance application debugging, MAP for performance profiling and optimization advice, and Performance Reports for summarizing and characterizing both scalar and MPI application performance. Linaro Forge supports various CPU and GPU architectures and parallel programming models, including MPI, CUDA and OpenMP.

We will provide an overview of Linaro Forge, a cross platform, integrated environment for debugging and optimizing parallel codes at any scale. We will provide hands-on demonstrations and exercises of how Linaro Forge reduces development time, simplifies debugging, and eases application performance enhancement on Perlmutter.

ALCF and OLCF users are welcome to this training. NERSC training accounts will be provided if needed.


This virtual training will focus on the following topics:

  • Ensuring Program Correctness with Linaro DDT: Using sample codes, we will walk through the major capabilities of the debugger to illustrate how DDT can debug applications ranging from a single thread to large scale.
  • Performance Engineering with Performance Reports and MAP: We will illustrate how you can understand the nature of your application’s performance. We will introduce best practices to attain and maintain optimal performance.


Time (PDT/UTC-7) Topic Presenters
9-9:10 am Welcome  
9:10-10:10 am Ensuring Program Correctness with Linaro DDT Rudy Shand (Linaro)
10:10-10:20 am Break  
10:20-11:20 am Performance Engineering with Linaro Performance Reports and Linaro MAP Rudy Shand (Linaro)
11:20-11:30 am Wrap up  


Registration is closed.

Presentation Materials

A recording of the event can be found on YouTube.

For Q&A, see the Q&A document

Presentation materials below.


