NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Past NERSC Training Events

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Crash Course in Supercomputing, June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

This training is part of the 2024 Berkeley Lab Computational Sciences Summer Student Program. In this course, students will learn to write parallel programs that can be run on a supercomputer, using MPI and OpenMP, the two leading parallel programming libraries. Read More »

Portable SYCL code using oneMKL on AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs, June 20, 2024

June 20, 2024

The Kokkos training session is part of the Performance Portability training series. AMReX supports the development of block-structured AMR algorithms for solving PDEs.The session will give a general overview of AMReX and its applications to develop simulation codes that will work for both CPU and GPU systems. Read More »

Julia for HPC and Intro to Julia for Science, June 2024

June 18, 2024

Julia training sessions presented by OLCF, NERSC, and ORNL Neutron Sciences on June 18 and 21, is part of the Performance Portability training series. Julia proposes to fill a gap in the high-performance plus high-productivity space being a dynamic language built on top of LLVM with lightweight interoperability with C and Fortran code, and a unified ecosystem for data science and reproducibility. Read More »

AI/ML Office Hours, June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

NERSC is offering a virtual office hour to help users run AI/ML applications on Perlmutter. Read More »

New User Training Office Hours, June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

Users are welcome to bring questions and their own applications to get one-on-one help with using Perlmutter’s GPU nodes on Friday February 23, 2024 for Office Hours from 9am - 12pm PACIFIC/UTC-7  Read More »

New User Training and Updated Best Practices on Perlmutter: June 12-13, 2024

June 12, 2024

NERSC is hosting a virtual training event for new users and updated best practices on Perlmutter on two half-days on Wednesday and Thursday, February 12-13, 2024. Read More »

SpinUp Workshop: June 2024

June 5, 2024

Spin is a container-based platform at NERSC designed for you to deploy your own science gateways, workflow managers, databases, API endpoints, and other network services to support your scientific projects. Read More »

ALCF AI Testbed Training Workshops, May - June 2024

June 4, 2024

ALCF is hosting a series of training workshops that will introduce attendees to the novel AI accelerators deployed at the ALCF AI Testbed. They are offering four individual workshops to introduce participants to the architecture and software of the SambaNova DataScale SN30 system, the Cerebras CS-2 system, the Graphcore Bow Pod system, and the GroqRack system. For more details and individual workshop registrations, please visit the following event pages: SambaNova AI workshop (Apr 30 & May… Read More »

Debugging Challenging Memory and GPU Problems with TotalView, May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

NERSC is hosting a training event on effectively using TotalView to debug challenging memory and NVIDIA GPU problems on May 13, 2024. Read More »

NERSC End-to-End LLM Bootcamp, May 2024

May 7, 2024

NERSC will be co-organizing the end-to-end Large Language Model (LLM) bootcamp with OpenACC and NVIDIA. The bootcamp will be hosted virtually for three days from May 7-9, 2024 and is a focused, hands-on walk-through of data processing, LLM model training, and deployment pipeline paradigm. Read More »

E3SM Tutorial Workshop, May 7-10, 2024

May 7, 2024

E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers. The first-ever in-person E3SM Tutorial Workshop will be held during May 7-10 at NERSC. Read More »

Performance Portability Series: Kokkos Training, Apr 25-26, 2024

April 25, 2024

The Kokkos training session is part of the Performance Portability training series. AMReX supports the development of block-structured AMR algorithms for solving PDEs.The session will give a general overview of AMReX and its applications to develop simulation codes that will work for both CPU and GPU systems. Read More »

Grads@NERSC, VSCode on Perlmutter April 25, 2024

April 25, 2024

This event is part of a series of special community calls for NERSC grad and postdoc users. Learn how to use the VSCode IDE on Perlmutter in this interactive session. Read More »

SpinUp Workshop: Apr 2024

April 24, 2024

Spin is a container-based platform at NERSC designed for you to deploy your own science gateways, workflow managers, databases, API endpoints, and other network services to support your scientific projects. Read More »

QMCPACK: Journey to Exascale on Aurora, Apr 24, 2024

April 24, 2024

ALCF is hosting a webinar that details the QMCPACK team's journey to exascale on Aurora on April 24, as part of the ALCF Developer's Sessions. QMCPACK is a highly optimized simulation package for Quantum Monte Carlo methods. 
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Grads@NERSC, How to Write a Good Ticket and Early Career Science Talk, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024

This event is part of a series of special community calls for NERSC grad and postdoc users. Learn how to submit a good ticket and get your questions answered fast.

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Perlmutter Office Hours, Mar/Apr 2024

April 16, 2024

NERSC is offering a number of virtual office hours to help users get their workflows up and running on Perlmutter. Read More »

Grads@NERSC, Jupyter and Beyond, April 11, 2024

April 11, 2024

This event is part of a series of special community calls for NERSC grad and postdoc users.  This interactive session will guide you through taking your machine learning workflow from Jupyter Hub to running on multiple GPUs on Perlmutter. Read More »

Dask Training

March 28, 2024

NERSC has contracted with OpenTeams to hold a training event Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29 on Dask, a Python library for parallel and distributed computing. Read More »

FUN Training March 2024: Introduction to Parallel Programming in Fortran

March 26, 2024

NERSC is offering virtual hands-on introduction to parallel programming in Fortran on March 26-27, 2024. This event is organized by the Fortran Users of NERSC (FUN) Special Interest Group.  Read More »

ALCF Overview of DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure, Mar 2024

March 20, 2024

ALCF is hosting a webinar that will provide an overview of DOE's Integrated Research Infrastructure on Mar 20. IRI program aims to provide researchers the ability to seamlessly meld DOE’s unique data resources, experimental user facilities, and advanced computing resources to accelerate the pace of discovery. Read More »

Performance Portability Series: AMReX Tutorial, Mar 14, 2024

March 14, 2024

The AMReX training session is part of the Performance Portability training series. AMReX supports the development of block-structured AMR algorithms for solving PDEs.The session will give a general overview of AMReX and its applications to develop simulation codes that will work for both CPU and GPU systems. Read More »

Forge Training for Debugging and Profiling, March 13, 2024

March 13, 2024

NERSC is hosting a virtual training event 'Forge Training for Debugging and Profiling' on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. Read More »

Performance Portability for Next-Generation Heterogeneous Systems, Feb 26, 2024

February 26, 2024

This performance portability overview session, presented by Tom Deakins of University of Bristol is part of the Performance Portability training series.  Read More »

Perlmutter and Data Day Office Hours, February 2024

February 23, 2024

Users are welcome to bring questions and their own applications to get one-on-one help with using Perlmutter’s GPU nodes on Friday February 23, 2024 for Office Hours from 9am - 12pm PACIFIC/UTC-7  Read More »

NERSC Data Day, Feb 21-22 2024

February 21, 2024

NERSC is hosting Data Day, a hybrid two day event on February 21-22, 2024. Join us for exciting talks and demonstrations designed to showcase the latest and greatest data-focused tools for scientific computing on Perlmutter. Read More »

New User Training and Updated Best Practices on Perlmutter: February 15-16, 2024

February 15, 2024

NERSC is hosting a virtual training event for new users and updated best practices on Perlmutter on two half-days on Thursday and Friday, February 15-16, 2024 Read More »

SpinUp Workshop: Feb 2024

February 14, 2024

Spin is a container-based platform at NERSC designed for you to deploy your own science gateways, workflow managers, databases, API endpoints, and other network services to support your scientific projects. Read More »

ALCF AI Training Series: Intro to AI-driven Science on Supercomputers, Feb-Mar 2024

February 6, 2024

The 2024 ALCF AI Training Series will focus on understanding the fundamentals of large-language models (LLMs) and their scientific applications. This 8-session series of hands-on courses teaches attendees to use leading-edge supercomputers to develop and apply AI solutions to the world’s most challenging problems. Read More »

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