NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Past NERSC Training Events

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SpinUp Workshop: July 2020

July 17, 2020

Spin is a container-based platform at NERSC designed for you to deploy your own science gateways, workflow managers, databases, API endpoints, and other network services to support your scientific projects. Services in Spin are built with Docker containers and can easily access NERSC systems and storage. Read More »

Arm debugging and profiling tools tutorial, July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020

NERSC is hosting a half-day training event for debugging and profiling parallel codes with Arm (previously Allinea) tools. Read More »

Roofline on NVIDIA GPUs Hackathon, July 8, 2020

July 8, 2020

The Roofline performance model provides an intuitive and insightful way to understand application performance, identify bottlenecks and perform optimization for HPC applications. In preparation for the upcoming supercomputer Perlmutter at NERSC, this hackathon invites all NERSC users to join us in some informative talks, lively discussions and engaging hands-on sessions, all related to Roofline analysis on NVIDIA GPUs! Read More »

GPUs for Science 2020, June 30 - July 1, 2020

June 30, 2020

To help facilitate the transition to GPU systems, NERSC is hosting GPUs for Science. The event, which takes place June 30 - July 1, 2020, is designed to offer scientists the motivation, tools, and expertise they need to make this change possible. Read More »

VASP Hands-on Training, June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020

NERSC will host a 2-hour online hands-on training for VASP users. The training will focus on running VASP using the variable-time job scripts,  which will greatly improve the queue turnaround by automatically utilizing the backfill opportunity in the system. Read More »

Loop Optimizations with OpenACC -- Part 3 of 3 OpenACC Training Series, June 23, 2020

June 23, 2020

NVIDIA presents a 3-part OpenACC training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers learn to use the OpenACC API. Each part includes a 1-hour presentation and example exercises. Read More »

Managed Memory -- Part 6 of 9 CUDA Training Series, June 18, 2020

June 18, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

New User Training: June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020

NERSC is hosting a one-day training event for new users. The goal is to provide users new to NERSC with the basics of our computational systems; accounts and allocations; programming environment, tools, and best practices; and data ecosystem.  Read More »

OpenACC Data Management -- Part 2 of 3 OpenACC Training Series, May 28, 2020

May 28, 2020

NVIDIA will present a 3-part OpenACC training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers learn to use the OpenACC API. Each part will include a 1-hour presentation and example exercises. Read More »

Variable-time Jobs Online Hands-On User Training, May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020

NERSC will host a 2-hour online hands-on user training on variable-time jobs. Variable-time jobs can greatly improve your queue turnaround by automatically exploiting opportunities for backfill in Slurm, provided your applications can do checkpoint and restart on their own or via an external checkpointing tool (e.g., DMTCP). Read More »

CUDA Atomics, Reductions, and Warp Shuffle -- Part 5 of 9 CUDA Training Series, May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

SpinUp Workshop: Apr 2020

April 23, 2020

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. Read More »

Introduction to OpenACC -- Part 1 of 3 OpenACC Training Series, April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

NVIDIA will present a 3-part OpenACC training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers learn to use the OpenACC API. Each part will include a 1-hour presentation and example exercises. Read More »

Fundamental CUDA Optimization (Part 2) -- Part 4 of 9 CUDA Training Series, Apr 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

Data Analytics in Python on GPUs with NVIDIA RAPIDS Training (ONLINE ONLY), April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020

NERSC and NVIDIA are pleased to announce a one day ONLINE ONLY training event on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 to teach NERSC users about the NVIDIA RAPIDS software ecosystem for GPU-accelerated data analytics and machine learning. The RAPIDS data science framework includes a collection of libraries for executing end-to-end data science pipelines completely in the GPU, and is designed to have a familiar look and feel to data scientists working in Python. We expect RAPIDS to become the most productive way for Python users to do data analytics on Perlmutter's GPUs. Join us online and learn directly from developers how to transition your data analytics workflows to GPUs. Read More »

Fundamental CUDA Optimization (Part 1) -- Part 3 of 9 CUDA Training Series, Mar 18, 2020

March 18, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

Introduction to GPU, February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020

NERSC will host a one-day training event for users on Introduction to GPU. The topics to cover are: Why GPUs, GPU architecture, DOE roadmap, and what type of applications are likely to benefit from GPU acceleration; How to use Cori GPU, where to find documentation, available compilers, how to compile and run; NVIDIA software stack; Programming for GPU using directives (OpenACC and OpenMP); Debugging and profiling on GPU. Read More »

CUDA Shared Memory -- Part 2 of 9 CUDA Training Series, Feb 19, 2020

February 19, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

SpinUp: Feb 2020

February 11, 2020

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. Read More »

Introduction to CUDA C++: Part 1 of 9 CUDA Training Series, Jan 15, 2020

January 15, 2020

NVIDIA presents a nine-part CUDA training series intended to help new and existing GPU programmers understand the main concepts of the CUDA platform and its programming model. Read More »

SpinUp: Dec 2019

December 5, 2019

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. Read More »

User training on checkpointing and restarting jobs using DMTCP on November 6, 2019

November 6, 2019

NERSC will host a one-hour user training on checkpoint/restart using DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing). DMTCP is a transparent checkpoint/restart tool, requiring NO modifications to user codes. Read More »

ECP UPC++ Training, November 1

November 1, 2019

In collaboration with ECP, NERSC is hosting a one-day training event on UPC++.

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Parallelware Tool Workshop, October 17, 2019

October 17, 2019

NERSC will host a one-day training event for users on using the Parallelware Trainer tool to learn to add OpenMP or OpenACC directives to your code. Read More »

ECP/NERSC OpenMP Hackathon, August 2019

August 27, 2019

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), in collaboration with the ECP SOLLVE and Training Projects, are organizing a 3.5-day OpenMP Hackathon at NERSC. The goal of this 3.5-day hackathon is to port, optimize and evolve applications for energy-efficient processor architectures. The focus of the event will be on optimizing codes for the Intel Xeon-Phi (KNL) partition of Cori. Read More »

Petascale Computing Institute, August 19-23, 2019

August 19, 2019

NERSC is one of the host sites of the Petascale Computing Institute. The goal of the one-week institute is to enable computational and data-enabled discovery in all fields of study by teaching the participants to scale their computational codes to leadership-class computing systems. Read More »

SpinUp: July 2019

July 17, 2019

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end.

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GPUs for Science 2019

July 2, 2019

NERSC hosted the GPUs for Science workshop July 2-3, 2019. The agenda links to slides and recordings of presentations given at the event. Read More »

Deep Learning at Scale Tutorial at ISC 2019

June 22, 2019

Staff from NERSC (Thorsten Kurth, Mustafa Mustafa, Steve Farrell) and Cray (Mike Ringenburg) presented a tutorial on Deep Learning at Scale at ISC 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany. Read More »

New User Training: June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019

NERSC is hosting a one-day training event for new users on Friday, June 21, 2019.  The goal is to provide users new to NERSC with the basics on our computational systems; accounts and allocations; programming environment, tools, and best practices; and data ecosystem.  Read More »

VASP User Hands-on KNL Training: June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019

NERSC is hosting a 4-hour online VASP hands-on user training. The goal of this training is to help the VASP users at NERSC to run VASP efficiently on Cori KNL, including using the flex QOS that has a large charging discount. Read More »

Parallelware Tool Workshop, June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019

NERSC will host a one-day training event for users on using the Parallelware Trainer tool to learn to add OpenMP or OpenACC directives to your code. Read More »

Cori KNL: Intel Tools Training and Hackathon, May 21-22, 2019

May 21, 2019

NERSC will host a two-day training event for users on Cori KNL Programming and Optimization Using Intel Tools. The first day of the training will be mostly presentations from Intel staff, and the second day will be in the format of a hackathon where users can bring their own application codes and get hands-on help from NERSC and Intel staff on KNL optimization using Intel tools.  Read More »

SpinUp: Apr/May 2019

April 24, 2019

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. Read More »

Cori KNL: Programming and Optimization, Apr 16-18, 2019

April 16, 2019

NERSC will host a three-day training event for users on Cori KNL Programming and Optimization. The first two days of the training will be half-day presentations and half-day hands-on from Cray and NERSC staff, and the third day will be in the format of a hackathon where users can bring their own application codes and get hands-on help for KNL porting and optimization.  Read More »

Performance Portability with Kokkos, March 26-29, 2019

March 26, 2019

NERSC is hosting a four-day training event on Kokkos. This workshop is intended to teach new Kokkos users how to get started and to help existing Kokkos users improve their codes. The training will cover the minimum required topics to get your application started on using Kokkos, and Kokkos experts will be on hand to help the more advanced users. Read More »

Cori KNL: Programming and Optimization, Feb 12-13, 2019

February 12, 2019

NERSC will host a two-day training event for users on Cori KNL Programming and Optimization. The first day of the training will be mostly presentations from Cray and NERSC staff, and the second day will be in the format of a hackathon that users can bring your own application codes and get hands-on help for KNL porting and optimization.  Read More »

Q-Chem User Training: 1/31/19

January 31, 2019

NERSC will host a one hour Q-Chem user training to cover the features provided by Q-Chem as well as how to use it on the NERSC systems.

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SpinUp: Jan/Feb 2019

January 30, 2019

Spin is a new Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy web sites and science gateways, workflow managers, databases and key-value stores, and all sorts of network services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. Read More »

New User Training: January 25, 2019

January 25, 2019

NERSC is hosting a one-day training event for new users on Friday, January 25, 2019.  The goal is to provide users new to NERSC with the basics on our computational systems; accounts and allocations; programming environment, tools, and best practices; and data ecosystem.  Read More »

Edison to KNL User Training: December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018

NERSC is hosting a half-day training event for user who depend primarily on Edison.  The goal is to provide users who have not yet moved their workflows from Edison to the KNL nodes on Cori with the basics on how to compile and run jobs.

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Data Day 2018

September 6, 2018

NERSC held a Data Day in September 2018, featuring science talks and hands-on demos for subjects including machine learning, Python, data management and the Burst Buffer. Read More »

Chemistry and Materials Science Application Training 2018

June 29, 2018

This one-hour online training class is focused on chemistry and materials science applications, Q-Chem and VASP. Read More »

Cray Programming Environment Workshop, June 14, 2018

June 14, 2018

This tutorial will cover a recommended process of using the Cray performance tools to identify key bottlenecks (moles) in a program, and then reduce/remove (whack) them with some innovative optimization techniques. In addition to demonstrating the ease of using perftools-lite experiments, we will discuss how to interpret data from the generated reports.

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Beyond OpenMP Common Core Training, May 4, 2018

May 4, 2018

In this hands-on tutorial, you will gain experience working outside the OpenMP Common Core, the 19 items most frequently used in this programming language. Read More »

Debugging and Profiling with Allinea (ARM) Tools and Others, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018

NERSC is hosting an in-depth one-day training event on debugging and optimizing parallel codes with ARM (previously Allinea) tools. Read More »

Cori KNL Hackathon, March 7, 2018

March 7, 2018

NERSC will be hosting an in-person and remote training for all users on Cori KNL nodes. Read More »

Intel Compilers, Tools, and Libraries Training, March 6, 2018

March 6, 2018

This training event covers Intel compilers, tools, and libraries for NERSC users. Read More »

OpenMP Common Core: February 2018

February 5, 2018

In this half-day hands-on tutorial, we explore the common core of OpenMP through a carefully selected set of exercises, so students will master the common core and learn to apply it to their own problems.  Read More »

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