NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Elizabeth Bautista

XBD201703 00049054
Elizabeth J. Bautista
Operations Technology Group
Phone: (510) 486-7454
Fax: (510) 486-6459
1 Cyclotron Road
Mailstop: 59R4010A
Berkeley, CA 94720 us

Biographical Sketch

Elizabeth Bautista is Group Lead for the Operations Technology Group, the team that ensures the accessibility, reliability, security, and connectivity of NERSC and ESnet by providing a central location for problem reporting, diagnosis, data collection, escalation, and resolution to maximize the scientific productivity of users. Since joining NERSC in 1999, she has worked in the Computer Operations & Network Support Group, Workstation Support as a team lead, and in the Computational Systems Group as a member of the PDSF team.  Being familiar with both center operations and system administration, she brings a unique perspective as the lead in executing tasks, developing employees, and energizing change.

As a member of the Lab’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and the Computing Science Diversity, she coordinates with Human Resources to develop recruitment and retention programs that meet the strategic mission for diversity. As such, she has been involved with Broader Engagement at SC, the Grace Hopper Conference, and the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing to broaden participation for women and underrepresented minorities in STEM. 

Elizabeth manages the student internship program at NERSC. She continues to explore programs that broaden the student pool and create a pipeline for recruitment and workforce development.

She previously served as the Lab delegate to the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) and CUCSA Secretary. She champions staff issues and ensures that they are communicated to the UC Community and management in accordance with Regent policy.

Elizabeth is the founder of Filipinas in Computing, a subgroup of Asian Women in Computing and a community of the Anita Borg Institute that brings together Filipino women in STEM and computing. The group raises awareness about issues faced by Filipinas in the industry and celebrates their success. 

She has a B.S. in Computer Information Systems and an MBA in Information Technology, both from Golden Gate University in San Francisco.