NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2001 User Survey Results

All Satisfaction Questions and Changes from Previous Years



SatisfactionAverage Score
Very Satisfied 6.5 - 7
Mostly Satisfied 5.5 - 6.4
Somewhat Satisfied 4.5 - 5.4



How Satisfied are you?


TopicNo. of
Average Score
HPSS: Reliability  83 6.63
Consulting: Timely response 155 6.56
Software: T3E Fortran Compilers  59 6.53
HPSS Overall 101 6.50
Software: PVP Fortran Compilers  54 6.48
Software: PVP Programming Libraries  36 6.47
Consulting: Quality of Technical Advice 151 6.46
PVP: Uptime  64 6.45
Account Support Overall 185 6.43
Consulting: Followup 125 6.37
HPSS: Performance  89 6.36
HPSS: Uptime  88 6.33
Consulting Overall 177 6.30
Software: PVP User Environment  57 6.28
Software: SP Fortran Compilers  65 6.26
Overall satisfaction with NERSC 219 6.25
Consulting: Response to Special Requests 113 6.23
T3E Overall  92 6.23
T3E: Uptime  81 6.22
HPCF Web Site Overall 184 6.18
Software: SP Programming Libraries  53 6.15
Web: Accuracy 142 6.15
PVP Overall  69 6.14
Available Computing Hardware 178 6.11
Software: PVP Local documentation  44 6.09
Web: Timeliness 132 6.08
Software: PVP Application software  33 6.06
Mass Storage Overall 149 6.05
Software: T3E Programming Libraries  53 6.04
Network Connectivity 176 6.03
NIM: User Management 117 6.03
HPSS: User Interface  92 6.02
NIM: Ease of Obtaining Account Info 138 6.02
Allocations Process Overall 150 6.00
Software: SP User Environment  71 6.00
PVP: Disk configuration and I/O performance  52 6.00
Software: T3E User Environment  73 6.00
PVP: Ability to Run Interactively  60 5.98
Training: Online  Tutorials  75 5.97
Software: SP Local documentation  59 5.97
Software: SP C/C++ Compilers  35 5.97
Software: PVP General tools and utilities  37 5.97
NIM: Performance 140 5.96
Web: Getting Started Guide 108 5.94
Software: PVP Bug resolution  30 5.93
NIM: Allocations Request Interface 111 5.92
Web: NERSC-specific Info 126 5.92
Software Maintenance and Configuration 144 5.92
NIM: Ease of Use 159 5.91
NIM: Functionality 137 5.91
Web: T3E Section  97 5.90
Software: T3E Local documentation  57 5.88
Web: Ease of navigation 166 5.88
Software: PVP C/C++ Compilers  23 5.87
Software: T3E C/C++ Compilers  36 5.86
Hardware Management and Configuration 159 5.82
SP Overall  84 5.82
Available software 179 5.81
Web: File Storage Section  78 5.79
Web: SP Section  96 5.78
Software: PVP Performance and Debugging Tools  36 5.78
Web: Programming Info 131 5.72
NIM: Ability to Find Info 151 5.68
SP: Disk configuration and I/O performance  54 5.67
Web: PVP Section  69 5.64
T3E: Ability to Run Interactively  74 5.64
Software: T3E Performance and Debugging Tools  52 5.63
Software: PVP Vendor Documentation  32 5.62
Software Documentation 157 5.60
T3E: Disk Configuration and I/O Performance  63 5.60
Software: T3E General tools and utilities  47 5.55
Web: Searching 130 5.55
Software: SP Application software  38 5.55
Training: Classes  24 5.54
SP: Uptime  77 5.53
Software: T3E Bug resolution  29 5.52
Software: SP General tools and utilities  46 5.52
Math Server: Newton  15 5.47
Software: SP Bug resolution  34 5.44
Software: T3E Vendor Documentation  37 5.41
PVP: Batch Queue Structure  54 5.41
Software: T3E Application software  31 5.39
T3E: Batch Queue Structure  75 5.36
Software: SP Vendor Documentation  47 5.32
SP: Batch Queue Structure  68 5.19
Training: Online Class Slides  33 5.15
Training: Teleconference Lectures  19 5.11
Visualization Server: Escher  13 5.08
Software: SP Performance and Debugging Tools  53 5.00
T3E: Batch Wait Time  80 4.97
Training Overall  77 4.92
SP: Batch Wait Time  76 4.92
SP: Ability to Run Interactively  68 4.71
PVP: Batch Wait Time  59 4.56
Visualization services  68 4.51





2000 to 2001 Changes:

  The following are statistically significant changes for responses to questions common to the 2000 and 2001 user surveys.

PVP Software Bug Resolution 5.93 5.10 +0.83
PVP Programming Libraries 6.47 5.81 +0.66
T3E Batch Wait Time 4.97 4.33 +0.64
SP Disk Configuration and I/O Performance 5.67 5.20 +0.47
PVP Queue Structure 5.41 5.03 +0.38
SP Batch Wait Time 4.92 4.54 +0.38
PVP Overall 6.14 5.86 +0.28
SP Fortran Compilers 6.26 5.96 +0.30
HPSS Reliability 6.63 6.39 +0.24
HPSS Overall 6.50 6.26 +0.24
Allocations Process 6.00 5.79 +0.21
T3E Overall 6.23 6.01 +0.22
Available Computing Hardware 6.11 5.90 +0.21
PVP Fortran Compilers 6.48 6.66 -0.18
NERSC Online Tutorials 5.97 6.22 -0.25
SP Ability to Run Interactively 4.71 5.51 -0.80
NERSC Teleconference Lectures 5.11 6.00 -0.89
SP Uptime 5.53 6.52 -0.99
NERSC Training Class Slides 5.15 6.13 -0.98
NERSC Training Classes 5.54 6.71 -1.17


1999 to 2001 Changes:

  The following are statistically significant changes for responses to questions common to the 1999 and 2001 user surveys.

PVP Overall 6.14 5.05 +1.09
PVP Ability to Run Interactively 5.98 5.18 +0.80
PVP Batch Wait Time 4.56 3.95 +0.61
PVP Vendor Documentation 5.62 5.03 +0.59
PVP Programming Libraries 6.47 5.94 +0.53
HPSS Performance 6.36 5.90 +0.46
PVP Application Software 6.06 5.54 +0.52
PVP Disk Configuration and I/O Performance 6.00 5.56 +0.44
PVP Fortran Compilers 6.48 6.02 +0.44
PVP Local Documentation 6.09 5.68 +0.41
HPSS Overall 6.50 6.12 +0.38
PVP Batch Queue Structure 5.41 5.03 +0.38
T3E Disk Configuration and I/O Performance 5.60 6.23 +0.37
HPCF Website Overall 6.18 5.87 +0.31
T3E Fortran Compilers 6.53 6.20 +0.33
HPSS Reliability 6.63 6.46 +0.17
Web: Ease of Finding Information 5.88 5.70 +0.18
Available Software 5.81 5.99 -0.18
Consulting Overall 6.30 6.58 -0.28
T3E General Tools and Utilities 5.55 5.91 -0.36
T3E Programming Libraries 6.04 6.42 -0.38
NERSC Teleconference Lectures 5.11 5.78 -0.67
NERSC Training Classes 5.54 6.19 -0.65
NERSC Training Class Slides 5.15 5.95 -0.80