NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2006 User Survey Results

Overall Satisfaction and Importance



SatisfactionAverage Score
Very Satisfied 6.50 - 7.00
Mostly Satisfied 5.50 - 6.49
Somewhat Satisfied 4.50 - 5.49
ImportanceAverage Score
Very Important 2.50 - 3.00
Somewhat Important 1.50 - 2.49
Significance of Change
significant increase
significant decrease
not significant


Overall Satisfaction with NERSC

7=Very satisfied, 6=Mostly satisfied, 5=Somewhat satisfied, 4=Neutral, 3=Somewhat dissatisfied, 2=Mostly dissatisfied, 1=Very dissatisfied

ItemNum who rated this item as:Total ResponsesAverage ScoreStd. Dev.Change from 2005
OVERALL: Consulting and Support Services     4 8 7 58 159 236 6.53 0.85 -0.20
OVERALL: Satisfaction with NERSC 2   9 3 8 99 128 249 6.31 1.01 0.11
OVERALL: NERSC security 2 1 7 9 10 72 134 235 6.30 1.11 -0.31
OVERALL: Network connectivity     8 10 19 69 124 230 6.27 1.02 -0.18
OVERALL: Available computing hardware     3 5 29 108 92 237 6.19 0.82 0.30
OVERALL: Mass storage facilities     4 17 13 52 86 172 6.16 1.08 -0.16
OVERALL: Hardware management and configuration 2 2 3 17 14 86 89 213 6.07 1.15 0.09
OVERALL: Software management and configuration     8 19 17 65 89 198 6.05 1.13 -0.17
OVERALL: Available software     6 24 22 85 82 219 5.97 1.08 -0.22
OVERALL: Data analysis and visualization facilities   2 4 32 20 47 23 128 5.37 1.22 -0.28


How important to you is?

3=Very, 2=Somewhat, 1=Not important

ItemNum who rated this item as:Total ResponsesAverage ScoreStd. Dev.
OVERALL: Satisfaction with NERSC   31 202 233 2.87 0.34
OVERALL: Available computing hardware 3 31 189 223 2.83 0.41
OVERALL: Consulting and Account Support services 4 52 167 223 2.73 0.48
OVERALL: Network connectivity 5 49 159 213 2.72 0.50
OVERALL: Hardware management and configuration 7 68 122 197 2.58 0.56
OVERALL: Software management and configuration 10 75 104 189 2.50 0.60
OVERALL: Available software 9 90 109 208 2.48 0.58
NERSC security 21 83 121 225 2.44 0.66
OVERALL: Mass storage facilities 31 71 80 182 2.27 0.74
OVERALL: Data analysis and visualization facilities 54 57 45 156 1.94 0.80