NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2010/2011 User Survey Results

Respondent Demographics

Respondents by DOE Office

ASCR 42 10.2%
BER 55 13.4%
BES 149 36.3%
FES 59 14.4%
HEP 52 12.7%
NP 54 12.9%

Respondents by Project Class

Project ClassRespondentsPercent
DOE Base 312 75.9%
SciDAC 74 18.0%
Startup 10 2.4%
NISE 7 1.7%
Education 4 1.0%
ALCC 3 0.7%
CSGF 1 0.2%

Respondents by User Role

User RoleRespondentsPercent
Principal Investigators 70 17.0%
PI Proxies 69 16.8%
Users 272 66.2%

Respondents by Type of Organization

Organization TypeRespondentsPercent
Universities 251 61.1%
DOE Labs 114 27.7%
Other Govt Labs 23 5.6%
Industry 23 5.6%

Respondents from the Most Represented Organizations

Berkeley Lab 46 11.2%
UC Berkeley 27 6.6%
Tech-X Corp 16 3.9%
Oak Ridge 13 3.2%
U. Washington 12 2.9%
Cal Tech 11 2.7%
PNNL 7 1.7%
PPPL 7 1.7%
University of Wisconsin - Madison 7 1.7%
Brookhaven Lab 6 1.5%
University of Maryland 6 1.5%
Vanderbilt University 6 1.5%
Argonne Lab 5 1.2%
Auburn University 5 1.2%
Livermore Lab 5 1.2%
MIT 5 1.2%
NCAR 5 1.2%
NREL 5 1.2%
General Atomics 4 1.0%
Los Alamos Lab 4 1.0%
Princeton University 4 1.0%
Sandia Lab CA 4 1.0%
UC Santa Barbara 4 1.0%
Yale University 4 1.0%

How Long Have You Used NERSC?

less than 1 year 110 27.6%
1 - 3 years 121 30.4%
more than 3 years 167 42.0%

What Desktop System Do You Use to Connect to NERSC?

Unix Total 280
Mac Total 191
PC Total 189
Linux 267
OS X 191
Windows 7 101
Windows XP 67
Windows Vista 21
FreeBSD 4
Sun Solaris 4
Other Unix 3
MacOS 1
Other Mac 1