NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

2009/2010 User Survey Results

Respondent Demographics

Respondents by DOE Office and User Role:

Office Respondents Percent
ASCR 34 8.6%
BER 68 17.2%
BES 147 37.2%
FES 45 11.4%
HEP 48 12.2%
NP 51 12.9%
guests 2 0.1%
User Role Number Percent
Principal Investigators 63 15.9%
PI Proxies 77 19.5%
Users 255 64.6%


Respondents by Organization Type and Organizations with the Most Respondents:

Organization Type Number Percent
Universities 259 65.6%
DOE Labs 104 26.3%
Other Govt Labs 18 4.6%
Industry 12 3.0%
Private labs 2 0.5%
Organization Number Percent
Berkeley Lab 49 12.4%
UC Berkeley 27 6.8%
U.Wisconsin - Madison 12 3.0%
Oak Ridge 11 2.8%
PNNL 10 2.5%
U. Washington 10 2.5%
Vanderbilt University 9 2.3%
UCLA 8 2.0%
Cal Tech 7 1.8%
NCAR 7 1.8%
Princeton University 7 1.8%
Tech-X Corp 7 1.8%
Texas A&M 7 1.8%
U. Maryland 7 1.8%
U. Texas at Austin 8 2.0%
Argonne 6 1.5%
Princeton University 7 1.8%
Argonne 6 1.5%
Auburn University 5 1.3%
Northwestern University 5 1.3%
PPPL 5 1.3%


How long have you used NERSC?

less than 1 year 102 26.2%
1 - 3 years 140 35.9%
more than 3 years 148 37.9%


What desktop systems do you use to connect to NERSC?

Unix Total 273
PC Total 232
Mac Total 170
Linux 256
OS X 168
Windows XP 118
Windows 7 55
Windows Vista 53
Sun Solaris 6
FreeBSD 5
Windows 2000 4
Other PC 2
Other Unix 1
MacOS 1
Other Mac 1


Web Browser Used to Take Survey:

Firefox 3 1,073 56.1
Safari 279 14.6
Google Chrome 194 10.2
MSIE 8 157 8.2
MSIE 7 90 4.7
Firefox 2 49 2.6
Mozilla 30 1.6
MSIE 6 25 1.3
Opera 15 0.8


Operating System Used to Take Survey:

Mac OS X 679 35.5
Linux 503 26.3
Windows XP 412 21.5
Windows 7 168 8.8
Windows Vista 135 7.1
FreeBSD 5 0.3
Windows Server 2003 5 0.3
SunOS 5 0.3