NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Science as Art Competition to Honor Beauty in Discovery

To celebrate 50 years of beauty in discovery, users are invited to enter the NERSC 50th Anniversary Science as Art Competition. » Read More

Hunting for 'Cracks' in Physics' Standard Model

Sometimes the absence of a surprise moves science forward. » Read More

Boosting Carbon-Negative Building Materials

Locking greenhouse gases into building materials could store them safely for many years. Researchers using NERSC resources are advancing the science behind this idea. » Read More

Getting a Peek Into Ice Giants

Scientists are using NERSC's Perlmutter supercomputer to study the interior chemistry of ice giant planets like our solar system's Neptune. » Read More

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

NERSC is the mission scientific computing facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, the nation’s single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences.

Computing at NERSC

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Some Scientific Computing Now in Progress at NERSC

Project System Nodes Node Hours Used
Ab initio nuclear structure
 Nuclear Physics
 PI: Mark Caprio, University of Notre Dame
perlmutter 195
Understanding the nature of cold anisotropic filaments in multiphase interstellar media
 Fusion Energy Sciences
 PI: Ka Ho Yuen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
perlmutter 180
Learning Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Across Scales
 ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge
 PI: Po-Lun Ma, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
perlmutter 160
N9ES-N2 Very large scale image simulation, reconstruction, and machine-learning for scanning and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (NCEM-Smatrix)
 PI: Hannah DeVyldere, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
perlmutter 128
Partnership Center for High-fidelity Boundary Plasma Simulation: SciDAC-4 Center
 Fusion Energy Sciences
 PI: Choongseok Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
perlmutter 128
High temperature electronic structure theory using density matrix quantum Monte Carlo
 Basic Energy Sciences
 PI: James Shepherd, University of Iowa
perlmutter 60

Did You Know?

Why NERSC9 Was Named Perlmutter

Saul PerlmutterSaul Perlmutter – a professor of physics at UC Berkeley and a faculty senior scientist at Berkeley Lab – was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1998 discovery that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. He confirmed his observations by running thousands of simulations at NERSC, and his research team is believed to have been the first to use supercomputers to analyze and validate observational data in cosmology. Our flagship high performance computing system is named Perlmutter in his honor.